Glenn’s Weekly Wrapup – September 25, 2009

September 25, 2009

Chavez loves Fox News
Glenn plays the amazing audio of the Fox reporter who caught up with Hugo Chavez at the UN and asked him a few questions, which Chavez promptly avoids while calling Fox viewers deranged. Glenn also plays audio of Benjamin Netanyahu, who was outraged at the fact that legitimacy is given to the President of Iran, a guy who denies the Holocaust and who has called for Israel to be wiped off the map. Glenn plays the audio and reacts. ( Transcript, Insider Audio)
Rare night for NBC

The SNL Weekend Update crew targeted Glenn for the very first time in a bit (which Glenn thought was actually very funny) AND Rush Limbaugh appeared on The Jay Leno Show. Glenn was mocked for his spelling prowess while Limbaugh masterfully and unashamedly explained the conservative point of view on Healthcare, Capitalism and more. The icing on the cake was Rush racing in the Green car, running over a cardboard cutout of Al Gore…then putting it in reverse to run him over again. The biggest shock? The crowd cheered wildly when the cardboard Gore was mowed down AND the crowd also cheered while Rush explained opposition to government healthcare. On NBC? Really? Nice. Watch the SNL bit on Glenn HERE and Leno’s interview with Rush HERE.

Barack makin’ stuff up

The President seems stuck in perpetual campaign mode, leaving the White House in favor of giving speeches to heavily partisan crowds who already support his plan. Which makes it doubly worse that he feels the need to make things up while on the quasi campaign trail — like he did with a hard luck healthcare story meant to highlight the evils of our current system. Obama appears to be attempting to outdo Al Gore, who complained during a Presidential debate in 2000 that schools were so overcrowded people had to stand in class. The real reason people were standing at the school Gore mentioned was because they had hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of brand new lab equipment that was yet to be unpacked, taking up space in the classroom. Could Obama’s fib be worse? You decide — Glenn tells the story in the latest Beck Talks video blog. WATCH

Would McCain have been worse? Glenn is taking heat over those comments (from the GOP) and just wanted to show you THIS clip of McCain on the campaign trail. Still think he’d be any different?

Glenn Beck gets another ‘scalp’

The Communications Director of the NEA resigned, and the fringe media is referring to this as another Glenn Beck scalp. Glenn has no interest in ‘scalps’ — and only in the truth. The fact of the matter is the NEA debacle goes far higher than the Communications Director who quit — and Glenn won’t quit until he gets actual answers on what the real agenda is. ( Transcript, Insider Audio)

Channeling Saul Alinsky

Glenn plays a series of audio clips — starting with the Chavez clip where he makes fun of Fox News and ending with the clip of him being incessantly referred to by Dick Durbin on the floor of the United States Senate. All of these clips demonstrate one thing — the left can’t win the argument, so they are being forced to refer to the strategy championed by Saul Alinsky. Identify the target, then mock and ridicule. Chavez couldn’t answer the question Fox asks, so he mocked. Durbin can’t answer the charge – so he redirects the attention towards the ‘guru’ Glenn Beck. Glenn explains more. ( Transcript, Insider Audio)

September 24, 2009

Another indoctrination video

After watching Hollywood and the fringe media bow down and worship ‘The One,’ is it any wonder that THIS happens at our schools? A teacher is practicing a song with kids in the school and it’s all about singing praise to Obama — complete with the line “all are equal in his sight.” The only question left is — did they capitalize the H in ‘his’ on their script? And why is it suddenly ok to use ‘Hussein’ again? Glenn plays some clips and reacts. ( Transcript, Insider Audio)

Also, check out Beck Talks video blog on Obama’s creepy followers. WATCH

Who will fix ACORN?Oh, you’ll feel at ease when you see the distinguished advisory board at ACORN who will sink their claws into the corrupted organization and clean it up. People like Andy Stern from the SEIU — they’ll fix it! Glenn runs down the list of board members and in the process gives hope to the next aspiring journalist looking to uncover corruption at ACORN. Maybe the next video can feature an Escort instead of a hooker? (

Transcript, Insider Audio)

Arguing with Idiots – McCain

Available Now!

Glenn sat down with Katie Couric earlier this week and one of the comments drawing the ire of Republican commentators and bloggers was when Glenn said McCain may have been a worse President for the country than Barack Obama. Republicans were horrified! How could this be? Glenn explains it for those whose partisan blinders have hindered their ability to think. ( Transcript, Insider Audio)

Don’t have Glenn’s new book yet? Arm yourself with the facts, get your copy now!

Michael Moore doesn’t like Capitalism

Gee, what a surprise — yet another thing Michael Moore doesn’t like about America. Hey Mike, little tip for you — if you hate it here so much why do you stay? Oh, and one other question which the media won’t ever think to ask you: If you hate capitalism so much, why do you charge money for people to see your movie? Isn’t that….capitalism? Glenn and the guest idiot discuss Michael Moore and his idiotic movie. ( Transcript, Insider Audio)


Christian Science Monitor was appalled at Glenn’s segment last night on TV explaining his comments on John McCain. They initially came out swinging saying, “Did we witness the murder of an innocent frog?” Maybe if they cared a little more about journalism and a little less about the human treatment of rubber frogs, the Christian Science Monitor wouldn’t have provided a shining example of why the fringe media is mightily struggling right now. ( Transcript, Insider Audio)

September 23, 2009

Obama’s creepy followers
John McCain wasn’t too far off the mark when he labeled Barack Obama ‘The One’ on the campaign trail, turning his popularity into somewhat of a negative. All one has to do is look at the creepy videos of his supporters, who engage in bizarre ritualistic chanting to show support far more often than mere mortal human beings would be comfortable with. Glenn looks at a few of these bizarre supporter clips, including the ultra creepy Ashton Kutcher ‘I pledge’ video featuring dozens of celebrities. Funny, don’t remember the celebs pledging to help W. Check out Glenn’s latest Beck Talks video blog on ‘The One’s’ crazy followers. WATCH
More on ACORN

Who’s on the rolodex of ACORN CEO? Erick Erickson from Red State managed to obtain the names of those in contact with ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis. How many politicians are shaking in their boots? Glenn talks with Erick about the names. ( Transcript, Insider Audio)

Arguing with Idiots on…Taxes

Available Now!

You’ve probably had this conversation with your idiot friend many times. It starts with you complaining about your taxes and it ends with your idiot friend saying something like “Well how else are you going to get roads built or run fire departments?” or, even worse, “It’s about time the rich start paying their fair share!”  What is “fair” exactly? Glenn answers that and a whole lot more in today’s episode of Arguing with Idiots. ( Transcript, Insider Audio)

September 22, 2009

Arguing with Idiots is OUT TODAY!

In celebration of today’s release of Arguing with Idiots: How to Stop Small Minds and Big Government Glenn tackled the subject of school ‘indoctrination.’  Idiots love to argue that the President’s speech to school children was harmless, but is that really where it ends or did that speech just set the stage for what’s to come?  (Hint: If that’s where it ended we wouldn’t be featuring this in today’s newsletter.) ( Transcript, Insider Audio)
If you want to see what happens to school kids after years of indoctrination then what better place to go than UC Berkeley?  We sent Steven Crowder out there last week to see what America’s liberal future thinks about presidents, guns and the Great Depression.  If you don’t yet fear for our country’s future then you may not want to watch this. VIDEO

AWI Theme: Get the catchy theme song to Arguing with Idiots stuck in your head — consider it our form of indoctrination. Enjoy!

Indoctrinate – U

Actually, the progressives are starting much younger these days…there is a video being played in schools all across America that lays out the ‘story of stuff’ a loving, anti-capitalist tale that unfortunately has virtually no facts correct. Watch the video here (if you can stomach the entire thing) — when you are done, check out this thorough debunking of the video, in which the commentator investigates the footnotes used in the ‘story of stuff’ video. Glenn reacts. ( Transcript, Insider Audio)

Population control…again?

Remember when science Czar John Holdren said that he no longer agreed with his old views on population control? Because that was crazy. No one is worried about controlling the population now — like the UN — there’s no way they think there are too many humans on Earth and that’s causing problems with the environment. Good thing we have Holdren as our Science Czar, because he knows how to keep that population low! Learn all about him in today’s Beck Talks Video Blog.

Check out even more crazy talk, but this time from our Diversity Czar. VIDEO

September 21, 2009

Obama’s media tour

With his healthcare plan on life support, President Obama hit the cable circuit to promote his plan to America. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Univision (Univision?) and the Late Show with David Letterman all got interviews – the one major network overlooked? Fox News. Apparently Univision is more worthy to hear the President speak than viewers of Fox? Glenn was particularly bemused by the President’s reaction to George Stephanopoulos’ questions about ACORN. (
Transcript, Insider Audio)
Stephanopoulos also hammered the President on his healthcare plan, even at one point reading the President a dictionary definition of taxes, asking him how it could not be considered a tax. STORY

Fighting the tactics of the left

During his media blitz Barack Obama said the media is ‘rude’ and he didn’t want to provide any ‘catnip’ by commenting on issues like ACORN, which isn’t a big issue according to the President. A group eligible for over $8 billion in taxpayer money giving advice on tax evasion, prostitution, and running a brothel for underage illegal immigrants from El Salvador isn’t an important story? Glenn talks with David Horowitz about Obama’s tactics and how to combat them. ( Transcript, Insider Audio)

Arlen Specter is…Jabba the Hut?

Glenn spends some valuable air time uncovering the flaws in Pat Gray’s impressions. When cornered, Gray backpedals and says he merely does ‘characterizations’ not impressions. Glenn finally lures Pat into doing the Arlen Specter impression AND the Jabba the Hut impression back to back. They sounded suspiciously alike – Insiders listen to the audio
here and decide for yourself. But in fairness to Pat, it is easy to confuse the many striking characteristics Specter and Hut have in common.

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The story behind the ACORN “sting video”

Andrew Breitbart
Image by shalf via Flickr

Andrew Breitbart describes how meet with O’Keefe and suggested release to the public so that the mainstream media could’nt kill this important and illuminating expose about a corrupt and criminal political racket, and also prevent the well-funded political left from prematurely gointo into “war room” mode, with 25-year-old Mr. O’Keefe and 20-year-old cohort Miss Giles in the cross hairs. …….(more)..

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Johanns finds target in ACORN

By Joseph Morton – Saturday September 19, 2009

WASHINGTON — After eight months on the job, Nebraska‘s normally low-profile Sen. Mike Johanns has found a cause that’s earning him national attention.

Official photograph of Mike Johanns, U.S. Secr...
Image via Wikipedia

The freshman Republican and former Nebraska governor has jumped on ACORN, a community organizing group accused of falsifying voter registrations last year and targeted now by a video sting….(More)

Remarks Delivered by Sen. Mike Johanns Regarding ACORN Funding 09/14/09

Senator Mike Johanns (R-NE) introduces an amendment on September 14, 2009, that would block money from the transportation and housing appropriations bill from directly or indirectly funding ACORN.

New ACORN Tape N.Y. – Senator Mike Johanns Wants To Stop ACORN Funding

“I rise today to discuss an amendment pertaining to ACORN, otherwise known as the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. ACORN has received $53 million dollars in federal funds since 1994.  In the current transportation and housing appropriations bill, ACORN is eligible to receive millions more in taxpayer funds from several different accounts and purposes. It could receive money through mortgage counseling, Community Development Block Grants, and the Neighborhood Stabilization Program.

ACORN member demonstrating against predatory l...
Image via Wikipedia

“The people of Nebraska sent me to Washington to protect them against waste, fraud and abuse and to change the status quo. I take very seriously that responsibility. That is why my amendment would prohibit one more penny of taxpayer money from going to ACORN in the transportation and housing appropriations bill.
“The recent news surrounding ACORN is alarming, at a minimum. Last week, Miami-Dade prosecutors issued arrest warrants for 11 ACORN employees. The employees are charged with falsifying voter registration cards. A total of 14-hundred voter registration cards were turned in and 888 of those were found to be fake. This means almost three quarters of the voter cards were fraudulent. Then damaging news surfaced regarding hidden video tapes at the Baltimore, and Washington, DC ACORN offices. They feature ACORN employees offering advice on a number of illegal activities – including tax evasion, prostitution, and fraud. Today we find out that a different ACORN office, this time in Brooklyn, also offered advice on the same topics.
“The alarm bells are rightly going off. The Census Bureau notified ACORN on Friday that it is severing all ties with the group for all work having to do with the 2010 census. “The Census letter says, and I quote: ‘…it is clear that ACORN’s affiliation with the 2010 Census promotion has caused sufficient concern in the general public, has indeed become a distraction from our mission, and may even become a discouragement to public cooperation, negatively impacting 2010 Census efforts. Unfortunately, we no longer have confidence that our national partnership agreement is being effectively managed through your many local offices. For the reasons stated, we therefore have decided to terminate the partnership.’
“Some may say that the recent events were isolated and are not a fair and accurate reflection of ACORN. To these defenders, I urge them to read the 88 page incriminating report published in July by the Minority Staff of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. It is entitled, ‘Is ACORN Intentionally Structured as a Criminal Enterprise?
“Mr. President, I would ask unanimous consent to have that report printed for the Record. According to the report, and I quote, ‘Operationally, ACORN is a shell game played in 120 cities, 43 states and the District of Columbia through a complex structure designed to conceal illegal activities, to use taxpayer, and tax exempt dollars for partisan political purposes, and to distract investigators. Structurally, ACORN is a chess game in which senior management is shielded from accountability by multiple layers of volunteers and compensated employees who serve as pawns to take the fall for every bad act.’
“In 1998, an ACORN employee was arrested for falsifying voter registration forms. In 1999, Philadelphia authorities found hundreds of fraudulent registration forms by ACORN. In October 2008, ACORN’s Nevada’s offices were raided by federal agents and in 2009, their Las Vegas field director was charged with voter registration fraud. In May 2009, seven ACORN employees were charged in Pittsburgh for voter registration fraud.
“The events of last week are not isolated. They magnify a troubling, systemic and criminal pattern. They serve as a public window into an organization besieged by corruption, fraud and illegal activities … committed on the taxpayer’s dime. At a time when we are experiencing record deficits and the economy is struggling every day to get back on its feet, how in the world can any of us continue to fund this organization with taxpayer dollars when so many questions exist as to their legitimacy?
“It is simple. We can’t. To do so would be a dereliction of our duty to safeguard the taxpayer from waste, fraud, and abuse. I respect that some of my colleagues believe in the work that ACORN does in various communities. But the problems riddling this organization cannot and should not be trivialized or brushed under the rug. As judge Richard Zoller said, after holding an ACORN employee liable for election law violations, ‘Somebody has to go after ACORN.’ That Somebody should be the United States Senate.
“Until a full investigation is launched into ACORN, no taxpayer money should be used to fund their activities. A vote in favor of my amendment is a vote in favor of the taxpayer and against the status quo.”

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Van Jones out, Glenn reacts – September 8, 2009 – 12:30 ET

September 8, 2009 – 12:30 ET

All weekend long Glenn’s Twitter and email was exploding with ‘congrats’ emails. Glenn’s reaction today is ‘congrats for what?’ as the questions he’s been asking still remain unanswered. What good does firing Van Jones do if there is no explanation as to why he was there in the first place? Does this President really make this many mistakes with his friendships, partnerships and appointments? Rev. Wright, Van Jones, William Ayers, Rashid Khalidi, Jeff Jones, The Apollo Alliance, ACORN, SEIU, Cass Sunstein, John Holdren and the list goes on. All accidents? Glenn reacts to the Van Jones resignation. (transcript)

Glenn Beck, August 12, 2009: Find your Voice

Glenn Beck: Find your Voice (before somebody else does)

Click on above and check out transcripts and audio of Glenn’s program yesterday on “Find Your Voice”.  Glenn looks into “evil” Van Jones, who is a community organizer, now The Green Jobs Czar, and  a self‑proclaimed communist.  Glenn says “Okay, so he’s shaping the views of the president of the United States.” Van Jones 01
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Glenn Beck, May 27, 2009 – Thursday

05/27/09 00:00 Glen’s Monologue Theme of Show, “Know Your Enemy” Glen says“Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future”, Glen discusses ACORN & their friends & how they have potential threat to bring down American into a welfare state and their potential friends about what they are up to and how it is working,

Know Our Enemy Within:

  • ACORN,
  •, ACORN’s roots, radicals involved in ACORNS development, how group is really devoted to getting more people on welfare by packing the welfare roles, overwhelming the system and pushing government toward socialism,
00:08 Interview with Bill O’Reilly Bill O’Reilly is guest and talks about his show tonight on their investigations of ACORN.  Bertha Lewis, CEO of ACORN will be on his show tonight, no media pressure on Obama and ACORN to get to the truth, Glenn says “their goal is to make U.S. into a “cradle-to-grave” (welfare spending) state.”
00:18 Commericial
00:22 Common Sense Comedy Tour
00:23 China & Debt The Road To Socialism”, China’s concern out our bulging debt, talks with Joshua Cooper Ramo, Kissinger Associates, Inc., Managing Editor , China is worried about U.S. buying their way out, U.S. owes China nearly $2 trillion, China warns federal reserve over “printing money”, see ,
00:27 Commercial
00:31 Hot List
  • Discriminating vs. GOP? (What’s with closing Republican car dealers?)
  • California’s New Plan, – U.S. co-signing for California’s bailout?
  • So Much for Stimulus
  • National Sales Tax – gaining more interest
00:34 Inflation & Bonds Economic Apocalypse – No one really wants to buy our T Bills except for the Federal Reserve, Glen interviews Peter Schiff, author of “Crash Proofand American economic commentator, California  wants the feds to back it’s loans.

Glenn also has phone interview with Marc Faber,(aka Dr. Doom) contrarian investment analyst and entrepreneur.  Faber is also author of the Gloom Boom Doom newsletter and web site.  He says “that there is a “100% guarantee that we will have hyper-inflation like Zimbabw’es. Faber favors Asian stocks relative to U.S. gov’t bonds, if the government continues to print more money to buy bonds then at some point, the only buyer left w/b the Federal Reserve, if California doesn’t make serious cuts to their budgets, they are doomed, under the best conditions, we are still going to have high inflation,

00:40 Commercial
00: 43 Interview with Craig T. Nelson, actor (Coach) Inteview with Craig T. Nelson, actor, who resides in Calif., says state is making massive cuts in education which he feels is wrong, no longer any representation in Calif.  For voters, no one wants to take responsibility, no one is listening, funding of “silly” programs,
00;48 Commerical
00:52 Further interview w/Nelson Nelson reads a passage from Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” (pamphlet) and says he is “mad as hell and is not going to take it any more”.  He is not getting any representation, therefore he is personally thinking about not paying any more taxes and is willing to go to jail to make his point,

Glen recaps theme of program “Know Your Enemy..”